Saturday, 29 December 2018

Book review: Chasing forever by kelly jensen

Title : Chasing Forever
Author: kelly Jensen
Length: 333
Language: English
Genre: Fiction/ romance

Old wounds, new directions, and a forever worth chasing.
Malcolm Montgomery was a history teacher and track coach until an accident left him with two broken legs. He’ll recover, but life has knocked his feet out twice now. He’s not sure if he’s ready to try again, especially when it comes to love—and slick guys like Brian Kenway. Still, he needs help mentoring the school’s LGBTQ society, so he asks Brian to take some responsibility.
Brian has been hiding behind his reputation as a liar and a cheat for so long that he actually believes he’s that guy—until his nephew, Josh, turns up on his couch, tossed out for being gay. Brian has never considered being a father, but he knows all about being rejected by loved ones. Now Brian wants to be more: a partner for Mal and a role model for Josh.
But when Mal’s recovery is set back and the sad truth of Brian’s past is revealed, the forever they’ve been chasing seems even further from their grasps. It’ll take a rescue effort to revive their sense of worth and make Brian, Mal, and Josh into a family of their own.

Overview/ My Opinion:

 I had a really good time reading this book, the storyline was beautiful and unique, the narration was good and it keeps the reader engaged in reading this book.  The writing style was good, the language used was easy going and lucid.  The cover and the title are appropriately chosen. The blurb itself was quite intriguing & captivating.
The character development also was done quite well. I liked how various issues have been described & discussed  in the book.
 The only part wherein this book disappointed me a bit was when it took a slow pace in the between.
Overall, this was a very interesting and a good read. Definitely recommended.

My Rating: 4/5

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