I had presented a set of questions to him which he answered with a lot of passion and enthusiasm thats reflected in his responses!
I hope you enjoy reading them just as I did!
1) What inspired you to write?
A: The entire Indian society I am brought up in.
2) Since when are you writing?
A: I professionally wrote for the first time two years ago, and I think of doing it further.
3) What according to you is writing?
A: A form of art that helps you to know the deepest of the imagination and emotions you possess.
4) At this stage in your life whom do you admire the most & why?
A: My sister for her love, support, and chocolates!
5) Would you like to brief about your childhood and teen days?
A: The nerd who tried his best to be the best for everyone. Didn’t work out well, and I ended up accepting myself as I am.
6) You're favorite excerpt/poem from this book?
A: “Her silence was so loud that it calmed a storm.”
7) 5 years from now on, where would you like to see yourself?
A: Mirror if not dead because I am really not future worried — at least, not for now.
8) Over which topic will your next book be based?
A: It’s a fantasy, mystery.
9) Lastly, any special message for our readers?
A: Hope but don’t expect.
10) What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?
A: Birth.
You can always check his work out on amazon!
That's it for today I hoped that this post helped you discover a new,aspiring author 😊
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Thank you, stay safe!
Interesting, but why the short answers?